
An archive of articles and interviews written over the years…

One of my early loves was writing, first prose and later poetry, which might partially explain my eventual evolution into a lyricist. (Don’t worry, I’ll spare you the poetry and focus on the prose.)

cyberlogueMy first and only original scene zine was the short-lived CyberLogue, which I published for about a year and a half in the mid-90s. My work there caught the attention of Andy Waggoner, then publisher and editor of the newly started (and graphically far superior) Interface Magazine. Not long after, I’d become managing editor and together we turned an ambitious idea into a full-color, glossy professional publication.

Many years later, I curated my love for retro underground electronic music into the Facebook-based 8osObscurities endeavor (later syndicated by Side-Line Magazine), showcasing some of my favorite forgotten tracks of the era and occasionally, the artists who wrote them.

I’m pleased to be able to preserve some of that prose for posterity here.

Click HERE to read/download a full PDF copy of CyberLogue Magazine from Fall 1996!